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Sr. No. Particulars Dates*
1 Submission of Online Admission Form for B.Com/BBA First Semester Up to 01.07.2019 (Monday)
(Uptil 5.00 P.M.)
2 Acceptance of Application Form in the College Office Up to 02.07.2019 (Tuesday)
(9:30 A.M. To 2:00 P.M.)
3 Counselling for Admission to B.Com Ist Semester 08.07.2019 to 09.07.2019)
(Monday and Tuesday)
(From 9:30 A.M. Onwards)
4 Counselling for Admission to BBA Ist Semester 10.07.2019 (Wednesday)
(9:30 A.M. Onwards)
5 Counselling for Admission to B.Com IIIrd Semester and BBA IIIrd Semester 11.07.2019 (Thursday)
(9:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.)
6 Counselling for Admission to B.Com Vth Semester and BBA Vth Semester 12.07.2019 (Friday)
(9:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.)
7 Induction Programme for B.Com/ BBA Ist Semester
(details to be intimated through College Website and message)
15.07.2019 (Monday)
8 Date of Commencement of Teaching 17.07.2019 (Wednesday)
(9:00 A.M. Sharp)


* The above mentioned dates are subject to change as per University Calendar. Information regarding such changes (if any), will be made available through College website/college notice board and may be communicated through sms to the candidates.