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A session was organized on 19th May, 2023 for the faculty of SACCM on the topic- Work life Balance in New Seminar Hall of the college. The session was opened by the Principal Prof. (Dr.) Vishal Kumar by welcoming all the faculty members. He inaugurated the session by presenting this captivating topic with his own experiences, shedding light on its paramount importance in today’s fast-paced world and gracefully ushering in the speaker of the day Ms. Lavanya Jain, an in-house Psychologist cum Counsellor. To seize the audience’s undivided attention and illustrate the complexities of achieving work-life balance she orchestrated an indulging activity and showcased the arduous task of juggling and maintaining equilibrium between personal and professional realms. The work life imbalances can lead to cascade of adverse effects which includes unresolved relationship issues, diminished performance, poor health and financial losses. She further elaborated upon identifying the most crucial tasks and allocating time accordingly, individuals can ensure a balanced distribution of efforts between professional commitments and personal responsibilities. Effective time management enables individuals to avoid the trap of overcommitment and facilitates a more meaningful engagement in both spheres. She emphasized the importance of establishing boundaries to prevent the blurring of lines between work and personal life. She also underscored the indispensability of self-care and well-being in achieving work-life balance. Through her expert guidance, attendees gained valuable insights and practical strategies to navigate the challenges of balancing professional aspirations with personal fulfillment. The session proved to be a truly enlightening experience, opening the eyes of the participants to invaluable insights and perspectives on the pursuit of work-life balance.